Monday, September 22, 2008

The Snowball Effect.

I just finished reading an entry written by my classmate and partner, Kathleen Estrella, entitled, "Civil War: A Never Ending Cycle?". In which she wrote about the many staggering statistics about Sierra Leone. Things such as how the average citizen of Sierra Leone only earns about $0.20 a day, and over half the population is living below the poverty line. This is a country where over half the population is under the age of 14, and there are few schools to educate these children.
This really got me to thinking about the war that took place in Sierra Leone, and its after effects on the country. About the mass amount of people who were displaced from their homes, about the destruction of the villages and towns. Can a country ever recover from these things? Sierra Leone is known to be one of the poorest countries in the entire world. How could a country in such a situation ever make it back from such chaos?

(Sorry for the late post date, this was suppose to go up last night.)

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