Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life After War.

During the Civil War that raged in Sierra Leone a common punishment was amputation of limbs.

Here is an excerpt from an article; a quote from a boy named Suleiman Sesay:

"One day, Sesay says, he and his friends refused to do a chore, so the rebels decided to make examples of them. The rebels took them outside and in front of everyone grabbed axes and machetes and started hacking at their limbs.

"They gave us a choice," he says. " 'Do you want short sleeves or long sleeves?' "

He says he didn't know what the question meant and even thought it was a joke. He took a gamble and said short sleeves.

"They chopped my arm at the elbow," he says. "Six swings and my arm came off.""

The article from which this is from was not all as gruesome as this. The article actually focused on a lighter topic. The formation of a soccer team for amputees. In the beginning it was a mere team, for boys who played soccer before the war. Many of them never thought playing their favorite game would ever again be possible. But now, the team has turned into a league, in which 12 teams play and compete. Players have all lost a leg, arm, or even both.

I found the content of this article inspiring. After such horror and pain being inflicted upon these teens, they are able to overcome, and try to go back to normal. But is there a "normal" to go back to? How would one ever truly


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