Sunday, September 7, 2008

Personal Research

This weekend I've been doing a lot of independent research for my essay portion of this project. I read a very intriguing article on the BBC website about the child soldiers of Sierra Leone partially from the point of view of a former solider. I found it very astounding the way young boys are taken from their families and trained to be such mindless killers. This is an excerpt from the article:
"If you don't fight to kill, whether anybody's coming, whether enemy or friend, if they kill you, they or your commander will leave your body there and go. That is why I defended myself. I killed a lot of people."
I couldn't believe how such madness, could so quickly be put into such a perspective. It was kill, or be killed. It makes me wonder how anyone could ever recover from such a traumatic event. Could someone ever refrain from violence after such an ordeal?


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