Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Change Of Topic.

This past week I decided to change my approach on my research paper from child soldiers to the blood diamond conflict. One of the websites I used for research was the History Channel website where I found multiple videos on the topic. Several of them had input from people who have experienced mining for diamonds, and the things I discovered were appaling.
Miners are forced to work by the "Rebels" and in conditions far worse than anyone could ever imagine. Miners are not llowed to leave the premises under any condition; not for food, water, even to go to the restroom. "Go where you work." they are told. Because the workers are forced to work all day in waist-high water disease is spread easily and quickly. HIV/AIDS and Malaria claim the lives of many people because of the water-bourne diseases.
These facts were shocking. Why torture your labor? These conditions hurt everyone in the country. Due to the fact that people are working in the rivers and streams, the water quality in Sierra Leone is very poor. That is why my group is planning on creating a water distiller for our project that could improve the condition of which Sierra Leone is in right now.


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