Sunday, September 28, 2008

Remembering the War: A Child's Recollection

After researching the war that wreaked havoc in Sierra Leone for several weeks, one thing I read is still on my mind. A quote, from an article provided by the BBC. The quote is as follows:
"I wish I could use a bullet on him the same way one was used on me. I've never met Charles Taylor, but I know he's a bad man."
Charles Taylor was the president of Liberia when they decided to invade Sierra Leone. It took the United Nations five years after the civil war ended for them to finally capture and imprison Taylor. The words above are an example of how most citizens of Sierra Leone feel towards the man. The quote above was spoken by Abu Sesay; he is seven years old.
It's mind blowing how such chaos and violence can effect even the youngest generations; how much even the children understand. The war matured the children of Sierra Leone way past their ages, and took away part of their childhood. Something, that can never be given back.

You can read the article from which I pulled the quote, here.

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